Gemini Team, Google
Improving Diversity of Demographic Representation in Large Language Models via Collective-Critiques and Self-Voting [pdf]
P. Lahoti, N. Blumm, X. Ma, R. Kotikalapudi, S. Potluri, Q. Tan, H. Srinivasan, B. Packer, A. Beirami, A. Beutel, J. Chen
Proceedings of the 2023 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing [EMNLP 2023]
FRAPP\'E: A Post-Processing Framework for Group Fairness Regularization [pdf]
A. Ţifrea, P. Lahoti, B. Packer, Y. Halpern, A. Beirami, F. Prost
AART: AI-Assisted Red-Teaming with Diverse Data Generation for New LLM-powered Applications [pdf]|[dataset]
B. Radharapu, K. Robinson, L. Aroyo, P. Lahoti
Proceedings of the 2023 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing: Industry Track [EMNLP 2023]
P. Lahoti, K. P. Gummadi, G. Weikum
Machine Learning (2023) 112:939–970
Detecting and Mitigating Test-time Failure Risks via Model-agnostic Uncertainty Learning [pdf]
P. Lahoti, K. P. Gummadi, and G. Weikum
Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Data Mining [ICDM 2021]Accounting for Model Uncertainty in Algorithmic Discrimination [pdf]
J. Ali, P. Lahoti, and K. P. Gummadi
Proceedings of the AAAI/ACM conference on Artificial Intelligence, Ethics, and Society [AIES 2021]Fairness without Demographics through Adversarially Reweighted Learning [pdf]|[code]
P. Lahoti, A. Beutel, J. Chen, K. Lee, F. Prost, N. Thain, X. Wang, and E. H. Chi
Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems [NeurIPS 2020]Operationalizing Individual Fairness with Pairwise Fair Representationss [pdf]|[code]
P. Lahoti, K. P. Gummadi, G. Weikum
Proceedings of the VLDB Endowment Vol. 13 No. 4 [PVLDB 2019]An Empirical Study on Learning Fairness Metrics for COMPAS Data with Human Supervision [pdf]
H. Wang, N. Grgic-Hlaca, P. Lahoti, K. P. Gummadi, A. Weller
Workshop on Human-Centric Machine Learning at NeurIPS 2019 [NeurIPS 2019]iFair: Learning Individually Fair Data Representations for Algorithmic Decision Making [pdf]|[ppt]|[code]
P. Lahoti, K. P. Gummadi, G. Weikum
Proceedings of the 35th IEEE International Conference on Data Engineering [ICDE 2019]Joint Non-negative Matrix Factorization for Learning Ideological Leaning on Twitter [pdf][software]
P. Lahoti, K. Garimella, A. Gionis
Proceedings of the 11th ACM International Conference on Web Search and Data Mining [WSDM 2018]Finding Topical Experts in Twitter via Query-Dependent Personalized PageRank [pdf]
P. Lahoti, G. De Francisci Morales, A. Gionis
Proceedings of the IEEE/ACM International Conference on Advances in Social Networks Analysis and Mining [ASONAM 2017]Efficient Set Intersection Counting Algorithm for Text Similarity Measures [pdf]
P. Lahoti, P. K. Nicholson, B. Taneva
Proceedings of the 19th Workshop on Algorithm Engineering and Experiments [ALENEX 2017]
FACTS-IR: Fairness, Accountability, Confidentiality, Transparency, and Safety in Information Retrieval [pdf]
Alexandra Olteanu, Jean Garcia-Gathright, Maarten de Rijke, Michael D. Ekstrand et al.
(SIGIR Forum) December 2019, Volume 53 Number 2, pp 20–43
Wearable Device for Facilitating Interaction between Individuals.
Preethi Lahoti (Main Inventor), Patrick K. Nicholson, Deepak Ajwani, and Alessandra Sala.
European Patent Filed 16306640.0. [patent pending]